中嶋 孝史の日記


ケーブルフリーでストレスフリー 完全ワイヤレスイヤホン



















元々BluetoothイヤホンはスマホをiPhone7 plus に買い替えたときに、↓↓↓を購入してまして、こちらは完全ワイヤレスではないのですが比較しながら伝えていきたいと思います!!!
























GLIDiCの時にも集中するとわかるくらいわずかな音ズレはあるのですが、AIKAQIの場合結構ずれます。 音楽を聴く際には問題ないのですが、スマホなどで動画を見るときに、ずれてしまうのでとても見れたものではありません。



これが一番厄介です!!!! スマホとペアリングしているときにボタンを二回押すと勝手に電話をかけちゃいます。 もともとは折り返しの電話をする用の機能なのですが、スイッチの感度がすごくよく知らぬ間に電話がかかってます。自分にとっても、電話される相手にとっても凄く迷惑になるので気を付けましょう。




















GReeeeNさんのテトテとテントテン with whiteeeen



whiteeeenさんのテトテ with GReeeeN



















「いつまでもこのままじゃ いつか誰かの君になる

考えてみるだけで  耐えられそうにないや








「このままじゃ 今日もまた


ほんの少し いつも違う

私のどこかに どうか 気づいて」


もしかしたら、 偏見かもですが恋している女子ってこういう感じなんじゃないかなと思いまして、
















テトテ with GReeeeN(初回限定盤)(DVD付)

テトテ with GReeeeN(初回限定盤)(DVD付)

テトテとテントテン with whiteeeen

テトテとテントテン with whiteeeen



sea roar


     Hi. How is the previous blog? As I see it, it is so unpleasant. But please continue reading my blog, please please. So today's title is "sea roar." What does this word "roar" mean? It is like sound. So today's theme is "sound of sea." My Japanese friends will notice it. So it is called "seosai" which is the collection of photographs about Asuka Saito, who is belonged in Nogizaka46 and worked for the senter in the group in 15th single "Summer by bare foot" called "hadashi de Summer." OK let's get down to the explanation about it immediately, if you don't mind.

     At the press conference she talked about some episode from photo shooting. She commented “I let my real self out in most of the photos”, but also added “3/4 is real self and 1/4 is fake” which lead the press laugh.

     Why me?” was the first reaction when she heard about her solo photo book, she confessed. She was very worrying about it in the beginning, saying “All the photos in the photo book are me, right? I was feeling unsure about how it would be like…”

     She showed another bitter smile when asked how she rated the photo book, saying “I shouldn’t rate too low score as it would make troubles but that doesn’t mean I should rate high score…that’s very difficult to answer.” She never forgot to show her gratitude to the staffs who worked for the photo book’s production.

     In my opinion, this photobook is so excellent, but she has more potential. Though it is already high- quality enough, how quality will next photobook be made by her on earth. I thought she is already perfection, but she is in the middle of deveropment. She gives me great pleasure now and in the future. All thanks for her effert. So why don't you buy it and show her beautiful gift. Bye



   さて、タイトルから何書くか分かった人いますかね? 今回のテーマは「潮騒」です。


   具体的にどこが違ったか? 他の二つの個人写真集より素の感じがしました。 もしかしたら、撮影現場の雰囲気が良かったのか?、モデルをやっている分ほかの二人よりとりなれているのか?、はたまたもともと飛鳥ちゃんが持っているすごみなのか?はわかりませんが、少なからずこういった面でほかの写真集より良かったかなと思います。

   他に注目すべき点としては、やはりビキニ姿ですかね! 去年の夏ごろに写真集発売されるかもと噂された時から、「あしゅの水着姿か~あまり想像できないな~」みたいな声をちらほら見かけていたのですが、行けちゃうものですね。 というより素晴らしかったです、決してエロ的目線とか舐め回したいとかではなく写真そのものの美しさとしてよく映えていたと思います。あまりネタバレ的な書き込みは控えたいの詳しくは言えませんが、飛鳥さん水着もいけちゃいます!www  


   そんなこんなで、最後に一番お気に入りのショットだけ口頭で紹介して終わろうと思います。すでにお持ちでご覧になった方には伝わると思いますが、お持ちでない方はぜひお買い求めくださいww 個人的ナンバーワンショットはニカッって笑ってるひとつ前のページのニヤっと笑ってるページです。口の感じがあしゅらしく、目、鼻、髪、眉、輪郭、首、首から下どこを取ってみても素晴らしい!これだけで30分くらい見ていられます。そのくらい実に最高な一枚です。

   こんな感じでブログを締めたいと思います。 最後までお付き合いありがとうございました。





handshake event


     Hi, today I will tell you the event I went to. But before talking about event, I noticed my mistake that in spite of my blog written by English, my blog readers are Japanese. Although in my first blog, I told you that I spoke only English, but now there are no reader in my blog. So I never compromise, but I change in direction of course. Return to the original topic. If you have seen its title, It is obvious at a glance there is today's keyword. So it's handshake event. What is handshake event?

     Handshake event is a kind of event which can meet Japanese idols and can shake hand, talk about something with favorite idols. I have been to this event for eight times. But the event is only Nogizaka46's or Keyakizaka46's. So I don't know other idol's handsake event. Therefore I can tell you only Nogizaka's or Keyakizaka's handshake event. Today I tell you Nogizaka46′s one.

     The event of Nogizaka46 is two tipes that one is called "general handshake event", and the other called "personal handshake event." First, the former is more public because it is simple to join the event. What is the way how to join the event? You only need to buy Nogizaka46's CDs which is the latest and only type-A,B,C,D. The ticket for the event is in the CDs and use one time shaking hand. Second, the later may be just difficult. First step you have to register yourself in Fortune music. And you should apply for ticket of the favorite member. If you are winning, you can go to the event.

      OK, up to now, I describe handshake event. From now, show you today's report in the event. Today, I took part in "personal handshake event." I have nine tickets. I put usually conversation on below sentence in the handshake event.

   Rikuya: Hello, long time no see. Did you go to three principle yesterday? How was it?
   idol(Ayane): Yes, I did. It was so wanderful!

   Rikuya: Whom was you concerned to?

   idol(Ayane): It's secret!

And so, I put unusually but fantastic conversation on below sentence in the handshake event.

   Rikuya: Hi. Do you remember my name? Please try hitting my name?



   idol(ayane):ku?(still cautiously)

   Rikuya:ku!(already happy)

   idol(ayane):ya!(all smiles)

   Rikuya:You are genius

So it is so happy things. And I'm so happy.

OK, this blog finished. To be continue! Bye!




   えーと、うーんと 妥協しました! 英語の方には方向転換ですって書いたけど完璧な妥協です。 一人でもこのブログを読んでくれる人が増えたらなと思います。


   今回の内容はずばり握手会! 本日2/5にパシフィコ横浜で行われた個別握手会に参加してきました。自分は鈴木絢音生誕委員をやっていて、次回3/4の握手会が鈴木絢音生誕祭なので打ち合わせとかしつついろんな人と話ができました。絡んでくれた方ありがとうございます。

   そこで僭越ながら今回の握手会レポを少し書きたいと思います。 というより紹介できそうなの一つしかないので、とりあえずそれを紹介します。

   三部一枚目 ←普段つけている名札{「リクヤ37」の文字と飛行機のイラスト}











これ一つでだいぶテンション上がりました はぁ幸せww






yuki no ne

      Hi, today I will tell you the CD which I had bought for the first time. It is "yuki no ne" mean Sound of Snow sung by GReeeeN. In the begining, tell you about GReeeeN. What is GReeeeN?

     GReeeeN is a Japanese pop rock/hip hop/breakbeat vocal group from Kōriyama in Fukushima Prefecture, comprising the all-male four members HIDE, navi, Kuni (written as "92"), and SOH. They made their debut with Universal Music in 2007. Their logo image is of a mouthful of teeth, and the four Es indicate the number of members. The sound production is handled by Hide's older brother JIN, a former guitarist of Pay money To my Pain. According to their website at Universal Music Japan, their catch phrase is "Rock 'n' Breakbeats with Four Microphones".

     One notable characteristic is that none of the members have ever shown their faces in the public sphere as a part of GReeeeN, whether in their promotional videos, CDs, television performances, or the Internet. In their only performance on TV-U Fukushima's music show Music Bar Palo Palo (broadcast on January 19, 2007), the group even went as far as censoring their faces during the performance. GReeeeN cites keeping their professional lives in dentistry compatible with their musical ventures as the reason, but one of the members, HIDE, has hinted that after all of the members pass the prefectural examination in dentistry and receive permission from the directors of the hospitals they work for, the group may consider a public appearance.

      All members studied at the dentistry department at Ohu University in Fukushima Prefecture and the group debuted while still in school in 2007.

      The members' identities are still unknown, as their faces have never been made public. At first, the group stated that they would wait until all of the members passed the exam before revealing their faces, but in 2009 they indicated that they will still keep their identities secret to avoid any interference with their careers as dentists.

     It is description about GReeeeN according to the Internet. Next I describe the songs "yuki no ne." This single stands for the feeling in Christmas. There is my favorite rylic that "Snowly magic can not come loose. The a little more same, in that way it is your side in many winter." The song totaly said that if time stoped, we shouldn't break up. Time flies like an arrow, but want to go on a happy time. Fleeting and sore narrative move your heart. Please listen to this song, and tell me your impression. Bye



Greeeen - Wikipedia

my hobby

     Hi, today I will tell you my hobby according to previous blog.
     My hobby is listening music the best. And I like Japanese Polar Orbiting Platform called J-pop. So I tell you one of the best singer in myself. It is Nogizaka46. Who is Nogizaka46?
     Nogizaka46 is a Japanese female idol group produced by Yasushi Akimoto, built as the official rival of the group AKB48.
      Nogizaka46 was named after the place where the SME Nogizaka Building, which houses Sony Music Japan’s office, is located in. Their producer Yasushi Akimoto also said that the number "46" was chosen as a direct challenge to AKB48.
     On February 22 2012, Nogizaka46 made their debut with the single Guruguru Curtain. It ranked second on the Oricon chart and sold 136,309 copies in the first week. And I n November 9 2016,     Nogizaka46 released the 16th single Sayonara no Imi. It reached number one on the Oricon weekly single chart, selling 827,717 copies in the first week and it was the group's first Million single certified by RIAJ (Recording Industry Association of Japan).
    It is end of the Nogizaka46's introduction. And so, tell you my trigger to listening their music. When I was junior in high school, one of my friends was fascinated and recommend me their song. But I don't like idol because I think they don't fight another singer with their song and singing. According to the internet, some Japanese idol sale their CD with other benefit such as handshake ticket, small concert and photo.       Therefore, they ranked weekly chart of CD sales. And other singers are seen lost in spite of before fighting. So I didn't like Japanese idol.
     However, when I was listening to Nogizaka46's song "If you notice a crush" called “Kizuitara Kataomoi", I'm impressed by the lyrics and the all song. It is changed my view of idol's criticism to thinking of idol's praise. After that, I searching other songs and watching their main TV "Where is Nogizaka?" called "Nogizakattedoko?" and their music video and personal promotion video. All works are so great and fantastic!
     So now, I go to many event and buy CDs and magazine which was displayed. This reports will tell another times.
     OK today’s blog is finished. And please ask me a question and write comment. Next blog will tell you enthusiastic event.
See you!
